1. Amnesty International (2013) Human Rights Must Play Stronger Role in Post-2015 Development Agenda/ available: http://www.amiiesty.org /eii/iiews/human-rights-must-play-stronger-role-post-2Q15-deveiopmeiit-ageiida-2013-06-05 (accessed 17 June 20131.
2. Berlin Civil Society Center and Global Call to Action against Poverty (2011), Global Perspectives 2011: The International CSO Leaders’ Forum, Berlin: Berlin Civil Society Center.
3. Bernadette, F. (2012) Post-201 S processes at UN and Beyond 2015, available: http://cafodpolicy.files.wordpress.com /2012/ll/post.2015-un-and-b2015-processes.jpg?w-491&h-370 (accessed 16 June 2013).
4. Beyond 2015 (2011) Who We Are, available: http://www.beyond2.015.org /who-we-are (accessed 16 April 2013).
5. Beyond 2015 (2012) Vision, available: http://www.beyond201S.org / document /vi sion (accessed 18 April 2013).