1. Jacques Savary, Le Parfait Negociant … (2nd edn, Paris, 1679), I, pp. 104–5.
2. See entry for ‘Change’ in Randle Cotgrave (and James Howell), A French and English Dictionary (London, 1673).
3. Henri Lévy-Bruhl (1933), Histoire de la lettre de change en France aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (Paris), p. 55.
4. On the history of political economy in the 1600–1790 period, see Terence Hutchison (1988), Before Adam Smith. The Emergence of Political Economy, 1662–1776 (Oxford);
5. Arnault Skornicki (2011), L’économiste, la cour et la patrie. L’économie politique dans la France des Lumières (Paris);