1. Many very perceptive: e.g. on the military, see R. Luckham, The Nigerian Military: A Sociological Analysis of Authority and Revolt 1960–1967, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1971;
2. D. Austin and R. Luckham, Politicians and Soldiers in Ghana, 1966–1972, London, Cass, 1975;
3. N.J. Miners, The Nigerian Army 1956–1966, London, Methuen, 1971;
4. A. Clayton, ‘The military relations between Great Britain and Commonwealth countries, with particular reference to the African Commonwealth Countries’, in W. H. Morris-Jones and G. Fischer, eds, Decolonisation and After: The British and Trench Experience, London, Cass, 1980, pp. 193–223;
5. C. A. Crocker, ‘The military transfer of power in Africa: A comparative study of change in the British and French systems of order’, unpublished doctoral thesis, Johns, Hopkins University, 1969.