1. James Cochrane, John de Gruchy, and Robin Petersen, In Word and Deed. Towards a Practical Theology in Social Transformation (Pietermaritzburg: Cluster Publications, 1991), pp. 1, 6, 36–37;
2. David Esterline and Ogbu Kalu, Shaping Beloved Community: Multicultural Theological Education, (Louisville: John Knox, Westminster Press, 2006).
3. Gordon Dames, “Intercultural Theological Education: Towards a New Future for Faculties of Theology at Higher Education Institutions in South Africa,” Scriptura 110, 2 (2012): 237–248;
4. Gordon Dames, “Missional Encounter of the Gospel Engaging Cultural Edges as Agents of Adaptive Change,” Practical Theology in South Africa 23, 1 (2008): 55–79;
5. Gordon Dames, “New Frontiers for Mission in a Post-Modern Era: Creating Missional Communities,” Missionalia 35, 1 (2007): 34–53.