1. Bill Bryson (1995) Notes from a Small Island (London) p. 56.
2. On this issue see especially C. Stray (1998) Classics Transformed: Schools, Universities and Society in England, 1830–1960 (Oxford).
3. Martin Weiner considered the public school and university education essential in the amalgamation of the aristocracy and the professional classes. Martin Weiner (1981) English Culture and the Decline of the Industrial Spirit, 1850–1980 (Cambridge) pp. 16, 18, 20–4, and 158.
4. R. Robinson, and J. Gallagher with A. Denny (1961) Africa and the Victorians: The Official Mind of Imperialism (London).
5. G.O. Trevelyan (1864) The Competition Wallah (London) p. 246. See Arrian, Indica 7.