1. Moosa, I.A. (2011) Basel II to Basel III: A great leap forward? Chapter 20. In: J.R. La Brosse, R. Olivares-Caminal and D. Singh (eds.) Managing Risk in the Financial System. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
2. Wood, D. (2011) Credit Suisse and UBS on Basel 2.5: Half a world away. Risk 2 November, http://www.risk.net/risk-magazine/feature/2117506/credit-suisse-ubs-basel-inconsistent-conservative-overlapping .
3. Correlation trading is based on the exploitation of anomalies represented by deviations from correlation relations between two or more financial prices. It may involve the trading of a stock price index and its individual components. Credit correlation products are portfolio-based products where the price of the product is a function of default correlation between the individual credits in the portfolio. These include synthetic CDOs and nth-to-default baskets. A correlation book is a portfolio of correlation products.
4. BCBS. (2009a) Enhancement to the Basel II framework. Basel: Bank for International Settlements, July.
5. BCBS. (2009b) Revisions to the Basel II market risk framework. Basel: Bank for International Settlements, July.