1. Fairbairn, B. (1994) The Meaning of Rochdale: The Rochdale Pioneers and the Co-operative Principles. University of Saskatchewan: Centre for the Study of Co-operatives: Occasional Paper Series.
2. Moody, J. and Fite, G. (1970) The Credit Union Movement, Origins and Development 1850–1970. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, at p. 36.
3. Croteau, J. (1963) The Economics of the Credit Union. Detroit, MI: Wayne State University Press.
4. Moody, J. and Fite, G. (1970) The Credit Union Movement, Origins and Development 1850–1970. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, n. 1 at p. 1.
5. World Council of Credit Unions. (2008) 2007 Statistical Report. Madison, WI: World Council of Credit Unions, p. 1.