1. ‘imparator Yine Seferde’ (‘The Emperor is on Military Expedition Again’), 6 June 2008, p. 13.
2. ‘Bizi 150 Milyon Kişi Destekliyor’ (‘We have 150 million supporters’), 11 June 2012, p. 30.
3. Türklere AB kapisi kapali’ (‘The door to the EU is closed to the Turks’), 9 June 2008, p. 34.
4. Avrupa Şampiyonasi 200 Milyon Euroluk Tanitimdan Etti’ (‘Euro Championship Bereaved the Advertising worth 200 Million Euros’), 1 July 2012, p. 9.
5. O Fotoğrafin Rövanşi’ (‘The Revenge of That Photo’), 22 June 2012, p. 28. ‘Viyana Fatihleri’ (‘The Conquerors of Vienna’), 21 June 2008, p. 32.