1. Abbots, E-J. (2011) ‘“It Doesn’t Taste as Good from the Pet Shop”; Guinea Pig Consumption and the Performance of Class and Kinship in Highland Ecuador and New York City’, Food, Culture and Society, 14(2), 205–224.
2. Abbots, E-J. (2012) ‘In the Absence of Men? Gender, Migration and Domestic Labour in the Southern Ecuadorean Andes’, Journal of Latin American Studies, 44(1), 71–96.
3. Abbots, E-J. (2014a) ‘Investing in the Family’s Future: Labour, Gender and Consumption in Highland Ecuador’, Families, Relationships and Societies, 3(1), 143–148.
4. Abbots, E-J. (2014b) ‘Embodying Country-City Relations: The Figure of the Chola Cuencana in Highland Ecuador’ in Food Between the Country and the City: Ethnographies of a Changing Global Foodscape, N. Domingos, J. Sobral and H.G. West (eds), pp. 41–57, London: Bloomsbury.
5. Abbots, E-J. (2014c) ‘The Fast and the Fusion: Class, Creolization and the Remaking of Comida Tipica in Highland Ecuador’ in Food Consumption in Global Perspective. Essays in the Anthropology of Food in Honour of Jack Goody, J. A. Klein and A. Murcott (eds), pp. 87–107. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.