1. This essay owes an enormous intellectual debt to Jean-Paul Fitoussi. I should also acknowledge helpful discussions with Rob Johnson and my long-term collaborator, Bruce Greenwald. Financial support from INET is gratefully acknowledged. Research and editorial assistance were provided by Eamon Kircher-Allen and Sandesh Dhungana. University Professor, Columbia University. J. Fitoussi, A. Sen, and J. E. Stiglitz: Mismeasuring Our Lives: Why GDP Doesn’t Add Up, New York: The New Press, 2010.
2. The G20 and Recovery and Beyond: An Agenda for Global Governance for the Twenty-First Century, J.P. Fitoussi and J. E. Stiglitz (eds), e-book with contributions from The Paris Group, 2011.
3. Quoted in Stewart Lansley: The Cost of Inequality, London: Gibson Square, 2012, p. 224.
4. J. P. Cotis: “Editorial: achieving further rebalancing”, OECD Economic Outlook, 1: pp. 7–10 (at p. 7), 2007.
5. See Jean-Paul Fitoussi: 2013, Le théorème du lampadaire, Paris: Les liens qui Libèrent.