1. Ali Smith (2013) Shire (Woodbridge: Full Circle), p. 20.
2. Giorgio Agamben (2004) The Open: Man and Animal, trans. Kevin Attell (Stanford: Stanford University Press), p. 15. As Donna J. Haraway argues in a discussion of the work of Nancy Harstock and Sandra Harding, this antithesis between man and nature is an essentially patriarchal tradition that can be challenged by feminist and humanist discourse, as Smith’s example might show.
3. Donna J. Haraway (1991) Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature (London: Free Association), p. 80.
4. Timothy Morton (2007) Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press), p. 81.
5. Walter Scott (2006) Count Robert of Paris, ed. J.H. Alexander, Edinburgh Edition of the Waverley Novels, vol. 23a (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press), pp. 3, 259–260.