1. Pierre de Ronsard, Oeuvres Complètes, edited by J. Céard et al., 2 vols (Paris, 1993), Vol. I, p. 386 (ll. 9–14);
2. translation adapted from Pierre de Ronsard, Selected Poems, edited and translated by Malcolm Quainton and Elizabeth Vinestock (Harmondsworth, 2002), p. 41. Where not otherwise indicated translations in this chapter are by the present author.
3. All references are to Homer, Odyssea, edited by P. Von der Mühll (Berlin, 2010).
4. Compare Od. 11.436–9, the one other juxtaposition. See Homer, Quae extant omnia, edited by Jean de Sponde, 2 vols (Basle, 1583), Vol. II, p. 327; henceforth, Sponde. For an important analysis of the Helen paradigm in the epic, see Marilyn A. Katz, Penelope’s Renown: Meaning and Indeterminacy in the ‘Odyssey’ (Princeton, NJ, 1991), pp. 183–91 and passim.
5. Recent readings include Hanna M. Roisman, ‘Penelope’s Indignation’, Transactions of the American Philological Association, 117 (1987), 59–68,