1. Altman, Rick, Silent Film Sound (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004).
2. Anon., ‘Metropolis’. https://www.berlinale.de /en/archiv/jahresarchive/2010/02_programm_2010/02_Filmdatenblatt_2010_20105927.php.
3. Audissino, Emilio, ‘Film Music and Multimedia: An Immersive Experience and a Throwback to the Past’, in Sounds, Music & Soundscapes, Jahrbuch Immersiver Medien [Year Book of Immersive Media], ed. Patrick Rupert-Kruse (Marburg: Schüren Verlag, 2014).
4. Audissino, Emilio, John Williams’s Film Music: Jaws, Star Wars, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and the Return of the Classical Hollywood Music Style (Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2014).
5. Audissino, Emilio, ‘Overruling a Romantic Prejudice: Forms and Formats of Film Music in Concert Programs’, in Film in Concert: Film Scores and their Relation to Classical Concert Music, ed. Sebastian Stoppe (Glücksstadt: VWH Verlag, 2014).