1. Simon De Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2010), 5.
2. Maurizio Vaudagna, “Gli studi sul maschile: scopi, metodi e prospettive storiografiche,” in Sandro Bellassai and Maria Malatesta, eds., Genere e mascolinità. Uno sguardo storico (Rome: Bulzoni, 2000), 15.
3. Rudy Koshar, “George Mosse e gli interrogativi della storia tedesca,” Passato e presente, 58, 2003, 104.
4. In his memoirs, Mosse openly admitted that “the attempt to make sense out of the history of my own century… was also a means of understanding my own past.” George L. Mosse, Confronting History: A Memoir (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 2000), 176.
5. See David Gross, “Between Myth and Reality: George L. Mosse’s Confrontations with History,” Telos, 119, 2001, 162–64.