1. On this radical couple, see Robert A. Rosenstone, Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed (New York: Knopf, 1975).
2. E. Kimbark MacColl, Merchants, Money and Power: The Portland Establishment, 1843–1913 (Portland, OR: The Georgian Press, 1988), 5–7.
3. E. Kimbark MacColl, The Shaping of a City: Business and Politics in Portland, Oregon, 1885–1915 (Portland, OR: The Georgian Press, 1976), 1–5.
4. Paul G. Merriam, “The ‘Other Portland’: A Statistical Note on Foreign-Born, 1860–1910,” Oregon Historical Quarterly 80 (Fall 1979): 258–268;
5. Richard Oestreicher, “Urban Working-Class Political Behavior and Theories of American Electoral Politics, 1870–1940,” Journal of American History 74 (Mar. 1988): 1267, 1269.