1. Barcan Marcus, Ruth. ‘Does the Principle of Substitutivity Rest on a Mistake?’ (1975), repr. in her: Modalities, Oxford: Oxford University Press 1993, 101–9.
2. Beaney, Michael & Reck, Erich (eds). Gottlob Frege — Critical Assessments, Vol. I, London: Routledge 2005.
3. Black, Max. ‘Frege on Functions’, in his Problems of Analysis, Ithaca: Cornell University Press 1954, 229–54, 297–8.
4. Burge, Tyler. ‘Postscript to “Frege and the Hierarchy”’ (2004), in his Truth — Thought — Reason. Essays on Frege, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2005, 167–210.
5. Carnap, Rudolf. Meaning and Necessity, Chicago 1947, 2nd edition, enlarged 1956.