1. See Wallace Earl Walker, “Presidential Transitions and the Entrepreneurial Presidency: Of Lions, Foxes, and Puppy Dogs,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 23 (1) (1993): 57–75.
2. A. Lane Crothers, “Asserting Dominance: Presidential Transitions from Out-Party to In-Party, 1932–1992,” Polity 26 (4) (1994): 793–814.
3. Martha Kumar, “Getting Ready for Day One: Taking Advantage of the Opportunities and Minimizing the Hazards of a Presidential Transition,” Public Administration Review 68 (4) (2008): 603–617.
4. For just a sampling of the business transition literature, see: Jeffrey A. Sonnenfeld, The Hero’s Farewell: What Happens When CEOs Retire (New York; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991).
5. William Ocasio, “Political Dynamics and the Circulation of Power: CEO Succession in U.S. Industrial Corporations, 1960–1990,” Administrative Science Quarterly 39(2) (June 1, 1994): 285–312; “Institutionalized Action and Corporate Governance: The Reliance on Rules of CEO Succession,” Administrative Science Quarterly 44(2) (June 1, 1999): 384–416.