1. See, for example, David Smith, ‘Incomes Policy’ in M. Parkin and M. Sumner (eds) Incomes Policy and Inflation (Aldershot, 1972);
2. Philip Arestis, ‘Wages and Prices in the UK: The Post Keynesian View’, Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, vol. 8, no. 3 (Spring, 1986), pp. 339–358.
3. Not all studies came to this conclusion: for another view, see Ken Mayhew, ‘Traditional Incomes Policies’ in D. Robinson and K. Mayhew (eds) Pay Policies for the Future (Oxford, 1983), pp. 15–32.
4. See William Brown, ‘Incomes Policy in Britain’ in R. Dore, R. Boyer and Z. Mars (eds) The Return to Incomes Policy (London, 1994) p. 35.
5. See Andrew Dean, ‘Incomes Policy and the British Economy in the 1970s’ in R. Charter, A. Dean, and R. Elliott, Incomes Policy (Oxford, 1981) pp. 9–25, Table 1, p. 11.