1. OECD. (2009) Pensions Markets in Focus (October), http://www.oecd.org/daf/pensions/pensionmarkets .
2. Visco, I. (2009) Retirement savings and the payout phase: How to get there and how to get the most out of it. 1: 143–163.
3. Australian Government Treasury. (2009) Australia to 2050: Future challenges, http://www.treasury.gov.au/igr/igr2010/overview.pdf.
4. These design considerations will necessarily apply to voluntary retirement schemes that constitute the third pillar of pension systems in many countries, but will equally well apply to mandatory second pillar retirement schemes where contributors are permitted some flexibility in the design of their retirement plans.
5. Alles, L. and Athanassakos, G. (2006) The effect of investment horizons on risk, return and end of period wealth for major asset classes in Canada. Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies 23 (2): 138–152.