1. See Galina Rakitskaia, ‘The Struggle for Property is a Struggle for Power in the Economy’, Problems of Economic Transition, 35 (5), September 1992, pp. 14–22 at p. 17.
2. Donald Filtzer, ‘The Contradictions of the Marketless Market’, Soviet Studies, 43 (6), 1991, pp. 989–1009 at p. 990.
3. Izvestia, 15 December 1989 in Ottorino Cappelli, ‘The Short Parliament 1989–1991: Political Elites, Societal Cleavages and the Weakness of Party Politics’, Journal of Communist Studies, 9 (1), March 1993, pp. 109–30 at p. 118.
4. Congress of People’s Deputies, Documents and Materials, Moscow: Novosti, 1989, pp. 22, 74.
5. Poul Funder Larsen, ‘Whatever happened to the Soviet Communist Party?’, International Viewpoint, No. 217, 25 May 1991, pp. 3–7 at p. 3.