1. J. Galtung, The European Community: a Superpower in the Making, Allen & Unwin, London (1973).
2. A. Sampson, The New Europeans, p. 207, Hodder & Stoughton, London (1968).
3. F. Duchene, ‘The European Community and the Uncertainties of Interdependence’, in M. Kohnstamm & W. Hager (eds), A Nation Writ Large? ch. 1, Macmillan, London (1973).
4. H. Bull, ‘Civilian Power Europe: a Contradiction in Terms?’ Journal of Common Market Studies XXI (1/2), pp. 149–64 (1982). See also R. Dahrendorf, ‘International Power: a European Perspective’, Foreign Affairs 56 (1), pp. 72–88 (1977).
5. On the Middle East: R. Rummel, ‘Political Perceptions and Military Responses to Out-of-Area Challenges’, in J. Coffey & G. Bonvicini (eds), The Atlantic Alliance and the Middle East, p. 217, Macmillan, London (1989).