Bashir Shohib,Mishra Binod
In recent decades, the positions of patients have started deteriorating even after getting the right medication for the specific illness. To ponder this issue, the role of nursing cannot be overlooked. A recent Netflix-released movie The Good Nurse (2022), a crime-drama based on the book of the same name by Charles Graeber, delightfully exemplifies the perspective that, on the one hand, showcases the idiolatry and working professionalism of nursing and on the other brings forth the complexities of the healthcare system. This study encompasses Lydia Hall’s ‘Care, Cure, and Core’ theory of nursing to show how these three aspects reverberate the essence of this profession and eliminate the complexities involved with it. It is very important to address this issue, as it is the foundational framework for interacting with patients that helps in amplifying the living condition of patients. Furthermore, this study brings up the significant issue of ‘trust’ that is prevalent in the contemporary health system around the world. The relevancy of these issues is justified through the study of this film that disestablished the canonicity of the medical nursing system and in contrast, shows the astounding professional practice that helps in improving the recovery of patients in a hospital setting.
Faculty of Media and Communication
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