Although the concept of courage has a long history, it is a latterly popular topic in organizational behavior. It is also an essential attitude or behavior for employees in whistleblowing, voice, unethical pro-organizational behavior. A valid and reliable scale is needed to reveal the effect of courage in different cultures. The study aims to adapt the workplace social courage scale to Turkish and test the validity and reliability of the scale. In three studies, the authors tested the scale's linguistic equivalence first, then its structural validity, and finally its predictive power on life satisfaction. Study one sample consisted of 48 academicians with sufficient English and Turkish language. Study two sample involved 267 employees from the tourism and finance sector. Study three sample comprised 374 data obtained from industrial and textile manufacturing employees. Back and forth translation and test-retest analysis results show the Turkish form has linguistic equality. Explanatory factor analysis results indicate the adapted scale has a one-dimensional factor like the original one. Confirmatory factor analysis results reveal the adapted form has the one-factor structure in a different sample. The structural model analysis showed workplace social courage has a significant and positive effect on life satisfaction. The adapted Turkish form of workplace social courage scale is valid and reliable.
Ege Akademik Bakis (Ege Academic Review)
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