1. Institute of Animal Science of NAAS of Ukraine
2. H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University
3. National Scientific Center “Institute of Experimental and Clinical Veterinary Medicine”, Kharkiv, Ukraine
The production of high-quality silkworm biomaterial Bombyx mori L. contributes to the expansion of the possibilities of its use in various areas of human activity - in light and pharmacological industries, aviation, medicine, radio and electrical engineering, mill production, photography and cinematography, food industry.The economic efficiency of the technological process for the production of silkworm hybrids was determined using breeds marked by sex at the grena stage, based on the fact that there is no single standard method for calculating the cost of the sericulture production process. Costs and profits depend on many factors, both direct and indirect costs, on the general economic and political situation in the world, as well as on changing, unpredictable factors, such as natural and climatic conditions. Since the cultivation of hybrids took place under the same cultivation conditions, the economic effect was determined based on differences in the preparation of hybrid eggs.
Cost-effectiveness calculations were made for the yield of cocoons from 1 standard box of caterpillar ants. The cost of production was different, since with the traditional weight method of obtaining hybrids, distribution by sex occurred at the cocoon stage, during the removal of cocoons from cocoons and their sorting, on 8–14 days from the day of mass pupation.
The profitability of using hybrids based on sex-marked lines at the egg stage is almost 11% higher compared to hybrids obtained by the traditional weight method. The economic effect is to increase the viability of caterpillars - by 4%, the yield of cocoons from 1 box of ant caterpillars, kg - by 17-24 kg. Additional profit from the technological process of production of silkworm hybrids when using Mer.6.white and Mer.7.white lines is UAH 2020.08, and Bp.35 white and Bp.54 white - UAH 2023.30. The obtained indicators of the level of profitability are calculated for one-time rearing of hybrids, and with repeated rearing, the level of profitability increases significantly and ranges from 40% to 70% per year.
Keywords: sericulture, breeds, sex marking, silkworm hybrids, economic effect, hybrid production technology.
Institute of Animal Science of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine
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