Scientific and engineering problems involved in the implementation of the project «Manned space systems and complexes»


Mikrin Yevgeny A.1


1. S.P. Korolev Rocket and Space Public Corporation Energia (RSC Energia)


This paper, which is, to a large extent, a review, presents results of an analysis of the current status and future prospects for the development of our country’s manned spaceflight from the standpoint of RSC Energia as the prime organization in Russia in this field of science and engineering. It addresses the issues involved in the ISS Russian Segment deployment completion, which is to be achieved by the addition of three new modules currently being developed at RSC Energia: the Multipurpose Laboratory Module in 2020; the Node Module in 2021; Science and Power Module in 2022, and the development of an improved version of cargo spacecraft Progress-MS. It describes quick ISS rendezvous profiles for crew and cargo transportation spacecraft. It discusses the issues involved in improving the efficiency of the ISS Russian Segment utilization, commercialization problems and plans to expand scientific applied research. The paper explores the desirability of establishing a Russian orbital station after the ISS program completion. As a strategic outlook for the development of our country’s manned space flight the paper formulates proposals on the national program of lunar research and exploration. It summarizes RSC Energia’s proposals on the development of a multifunctional system for crew search and rescue during launches of manned spacecraft from Vostochny launch site. It discusses the results and problems involved in laying the scientific, engineering and manufacturing groundwork for the development of advanced manned space systems, including introduction of digital technologies, development of new instrumentation, use of composite materials, additive and robotic technologies. Key words: Manned spaceflight, ISS Russian Segment, commercialization of scientific research, Russian orbital station, lunar research and exploration program, crew search and rescue system, problems of laying the scientific and engineering groundwork.


RSC Energia

Reference45 articles.

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