1. Hegger J (2001) Textile reinforced concrete. Proceedings of First Colloquium of Collaborative Research Centres 528 and 532, (RWTH Aachen University) “only available in German”.
2. Curbach M (2003) Textile reinforced structures. Proceedings of the 2nd Colloquium on textile Reinforced Structures (CTRS2), (Dresden, 2003) “only available in German”.
3. Roye A, Gries T, Peled A (2004) Spacer fabrics for thin walled concrete elements. Proceedings of the Sixth Rilem Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (FRC), Varenna, Italy, 20–22 September, 1505–1514.
4. Brameshuber W, Koster M, Hegger J, Voss S, Gries T, Barlé M, Reinhardt H-W, Krüger M (2003) Textile reinforced concrete (TRC) for integrated formworks. Proceedings of the 12. Intern. Techtextil-Symposium, Frankfurt a. M., 7–10. April 2003.
5. Hegger J et al. (2003) Decentralized wastewater treatment plants made of textile reinforced concrete. Proceedings of the 12. International TechTextil-Symposium, Frankfurt, 2003, CD-ROM, Nr. 4.28.