Pengembangan Bahan Ajar Menulis Berbagai Jenis Teks Bertema Kearifan Lokal Sikka Bagi Siswa SMP


Sarjono Owon Robertus Adi


AbstrakMenulis merupakan keterampilan berbahasa yang diajarkan secara terpadu dengan ketiga keterampilan berbahasa lainnya.Dalam kurikulum 2013, pembelajaran yang dilakukan berbasis teks, tetapi sumber bahan ajar masih terbatas pada buku siswa terbitan Depdiknas.Oleh karena itu, perlu dikembangkan bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal dengan pendekatan kontekstual bagi siswa SMP. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) menghasilkan prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal Sikka dengan pendekatan kontekstual sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru, (2) menguji hasil kelayakan prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bertema kearifan lokal Sikka dari segi bentuk dan isi, dan (3) menguji efektivitas bahan ajar menulis dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik.Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian dan pengembangan (R&D). Data berupa kebutuhan bahan ajar menulis, produk prototipe bahan ajar, dan tulisan siswa. Sumber data berasal dari siswa, guru, budayawan Sikka, dan ahli.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa  (1) Prototipe bahan ajar menulis berbagai jenis teks bermuatan kearifan lokal Sikka dengan pendekatan kontekstual sesuai kebutuhan peserta didik dan guru meliputi model teks, struktur teks, strategi pengembangan tulisan, latihan soal, pedoman penilaian dan suplemen berupa EYD. Adapun pendekatan kontekstual terintegrasi dalam proses pembelajaran. (2) Hasil penilaian validator ahli dengan rerata skor 77,45 atau Layak, sedangkan validator pengguna dengan  rerata skor 85, 53 atau Amat Layak.  (3) Hasil uji efektivitas menunjukkan bahwa bahan ajar menulis teks secara efektif dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis peserta didik ditandai dengan persentasi daya serap mencapai 80% secara kelompok dan 80% siswa mampu mengembangkan teks sesuai dengan struktur, isi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan penggunaan huruf kapital.Kata Kunci: bahan ajar, jenis teks, kearifan lokal ABSTRACWriting is language skills in which integrated preached with the third other skills. In curriculum 2013, the learning done based on the text, but the sources of teaching materials still limited on students’ book published by Department of Education National. So that, it’s needed to developed teaching materials Writing Various Type of Text Themed Local Wisdom of Sikka Regency, NTT by Using Contextual Approach for The Junior High School Student. This research is aims to (1) identify prototype teaching materials writing various type of text themed Sikka local wisdom as students’ and teacher’s needed, (2) knowing the result of prototype expediency writing various type themed Sikka local wisdom in terms of and the contents of, and (3) knowing the effectiveness writing teaching materials to improving the learner’s ability in writing.This research is R& D. The data are collected by using questionnaire to identifies the necessity of teaching materials and to examine prototype expediency of teaching materials. Besides the data also are collected from Students’ result of study toward the ability in writing text themed Sikka local wisdom to examine effectiveness of product.This research indicates that (1) prototype teaching materials writing various type of text themed Sikka local wisdom by using contextual approach based on students’ and teacher’s necessity included:  text model, structure of the text, strategy of writing development, exercises, rating directive and supplement EYD. There is also contextual approach integrated in learning process, (2) the rating result of validation expert on the average score is 77, 45 (good) mean while the rating result of validation user average score is 85, 53 (excellent) and (3) teaching materials writing text effectively can develop the ability of students’ writing shown by the percentage of students’ classical completeness 80% in groups and 80% students can develop the text based on structure, content, spelling, punctuations and the use of capital letter.Key words: teaching materials, kinds of text, local wisdom, contextual approach


Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


General Medicine

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