PERANCANGAN SISTEM ENTERPRISE RESOURCEPLANNING MODUL SALES PADA DISTRIBUTOR BERASUD MANISDANA MARSETIYA UTAMA*, DAN FERRY YULIANTOJurusan Teknik Industri, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Muhammadiyah MalangJl. Raya Tlogomas 246, Malang, Jawa Timur 65144Email: fund.1986@gmail.comABSTRAKUD Manis adalah distributor beras di Kabupaten Lamongan.Permasalahan pada UD Manisadalah belum adanya sistem informasi untuk menampilkan stock barang di gudang dan titipan barangdari pelanggan meskipun perusahaan telah menggunakan aplikasi data base MS Access. Perusahaanmemerlukan sistem informasi untuk menampilkan stock dan mengintegrasikan antar departemen.Tahapan perancangan sistem Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) modul sales terdapat 3 tahapan yaitupengumpulan data, perancangan proses dan uji coba, serta evaluasi. Hasil perancangan sistem ERPmodul sales dengan menggunakan Adempiere memiliki urutan proses sales order, shipment, invoice, danpayment. Hasil uji coba perancangan sistem ERP Adempiere menunjukkan bagian gudang dan sales dapatmelakukan pengecekan stock aktual barang di gudang lebih cepat dan akurat.Kata kunci: enterprise resource planning, modul penjualan, pelangganABSTRACTUD Manis is a rice distributor in Lamongan. The problem faced by UD Manis is having no informationsystem for notifying stock in warehouse and customer order although company has used MS Access database.Company requires information system for notifying stock and integrating across department. There are3 major steps in module sales in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) which are data collection, processplanning and testing, & evaluation. The result of ERP system design particularly for module sales byusing software package “Adempiere” has process sequence as sales order, shipment, invoice, and payment.Testing result of ERP system design using Adempiere shows that warehouse and sales department couldcheck actual stock in warehouse more agile and accurate.Key words: enterprise resource planning, module sales, customer
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
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