IMAM ZARKASYI DAN PEMBAHARUAN PESANTREN :REKONSTRUKSI ASPEK KURIKULUM, MENEJEMENDAN ETIKA PENDIDIKANOleh :Moh. Nurhakim *)Fakultas Agama Islam UMMABSTRACTThe study described Imam Zarkasyi’s reconstruction thought about Islamic boarding schoolreformation. The study aimed at exploring Zarkasyi’s thought to be implemented as Islamiceducation reformation model for Islamic society modernization. The limitations of the study wereZarkasyi’s curriculum, empowerment on organizational management, and ethics training in Islamicboarding school. The finding revealed in three main points. First, Zarkasyi’s believed that IslamicEducation curriculum were to cover both religious principles, and modern sciences as well. Thus,the students were expected to master both Arabic and English. Second, organizational and charity(wakaf) management required significant improvement to strengthen Islamic boarding schoolinstitution in accordance to modern principles. Third, Islamic education boarding schools were toemphasize on values of sincerity, simplicity, independence, solidarity, and freedom to raise theawareness of the ethics in Islamic education schools. The above values were expected to be thecharacteristics of Gontor Islamic Boarding School graduates.Keywords: Imam Zarkasyi, thoughtreformation, and modern Islamic boardingschool
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
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