
Pujiastuti Nurul


KORELASI ANTARA STATUS GIZI IBU MENYUSUI DENGAN KECUKUPAN ASI DI POSYANDU DESA KARANG KEDAWANG KECAMATAN SOOKO KABUPATEN MOJOKERTOCorrelation Between Breastfeeding Mother Maternal Nutrition Status With Breastfeeding Adequacy In Posyandu of Karang Kedawung, Sooko, MojokertoNurul PujiastutiProgram Studi Keperawatan Lawang Poltekkes Kemenkes MalangJl. A. Yani No 1 Lawang 65218e-mail: nurulpujiastuti@gmail.comABSTRAKMasalah gizi di Indonesia dan negara berkembang umumnya masih didominasi oleh masalah kurang energi protein (KEP), anemia besi, gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium (GAKY), kekurangan vitamin A (KVA) dan masalah obesitas. Anemia umumnya dijumpai pada golongan rawan gizi yaitu ibu hamil, ibu menyusui, anak balita serta anak sekolah. Anemia atau gizi yang buruk pada ibu menyusui akan menyebabkan gangguan nutrisi dan produksi air susu ibu (ASI) menjadi kurang sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pertumbuhan bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi antara status gizi ibu menyusui dengan kecukupan ASI. Status gizi diukur dengan 3 indikator: IMB, LILA, dan Hb. Sedang kecukupan ASI diukur dengan indikator: tanda kecukupan ASI, BB bayi sebelum dan sesudah menyusu serta peningkatan BB bayi setelah 1 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan longitudinal (cohort). Hasil uji analisis statistik dengan mann whitney u test didapatkan tingkat signifikansi 95% (p = 0,009). Hasil uji analisis ditemukan tidak ada korelasi antara status gizi ibu menyusui (IMB dan LILA) dengan kecukupan ASI. Tetapi terdapat korelasi antara kadar Hb dengan kecukupan ASI. Kesimpulannya bahwa ibu menyusui dengan gizi buruk akan mempengaruhi kecukupan ASI karena tubuh membutuhkan zat gizi yang cukup untuk memproduksi ASI, tetapi tubuh tidak dapat memenuhi sehingga zat gizi tersebut diambil dari tubuh ibu dan berakibat makin lama ibu akan mengalami gizi yang bertambah buruk.Kata kunci: status nutrisi, ibu menyusui, kecukupan ASIABSTRACTProblem of gizi in Indonesia and developing countries in general still predominated by problem less energi protein, iron anaemia, trouble effect of iodine insuffiency, lacking of vitamin of A and problem of obesitas especially in metropolis. Anaemia of gizi is generally met at gristle faction of gizi that is pregnant mother, mother suckle, child of balita and also schoolchild. Anaemia at mother suckle will cause trouble of nutrisi production and irrigate mother milk become less. this clear generate growth trouble for baby which in giving irrigate mother milk. At mother with ugly gizi generally produce slimmer irrigate mother milk in number, while the qualities of depend on food which is eating. Generally there are degradation of fat rate, vitamin and carbohydrate. This study aims to know the relationship between the status of breastfeeding mothers with the adequacy of breastfeeding. This research is analytical research with longitudinal design up (cohort). Based on the results of test statistics with the mann whitney u test on the 95% level of confidence between the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers with the adequacy of breastfeeding showed a significant relationship (p = 0,009). This explains that breastfeeding mothers who have poor nutrition affect the adequacy milk product. With the results of the research above, it is expected that the health through the village midwifes for more attention on the status of maternal nutrition on the nutritional needs of breastfeeding so that breastfeeding mothers can be improved by providing more counseling related to maternal nutrition and breastfeeding, such as the provision of vitamin tablets to the blood.Keywords: nutritional status, mother suckle, breastfeeding


Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang

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