Der Platz der Bäume im Konzept der Umweltbildung und Biodiversität im Biologielehrplan der Sekundarstufe





2. Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey


Within seconds of writing this sentence, the human population continues to grow, and hundreds of species worldwide face extinction due to human actions towards the environment. Individuals must change their behavior toward the environment to solve environmental issues. Successful educational programs achieve desired thoughts, behaviors, value judgments, knowledge, and skills in people. Biology education is becoming increasingly important as it affects human life, nature, the environment, and sustainable resources. This study's goal is to examine trees' place in the MNE's secondary school biology curriculum, which includes environmental education and biodiversity. This study used document analysis as a qualitative research method. The research uses the MEB Secondary Education Biology Course (9th,10th,11th, and 12th Grades) curriculum. The data were analyzed descriptively. According to the research, there are 3 acquisitions in 9th grade, 5 in 10th grade, and 4 in 11th grade regarding trees in Secondary Education Biology Curriculum. Thus, trees are included in the Secondary Education Biology Curriculum up to the 10th grade.


Trakya Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi


Marketing,Strategy and Management,General Materials Science,Media Technology

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