Proposal on the use of compost based on market waste: a sustainable alternative [Propuesta sobre el uso de compost a base de residuos de mercados: una alternativa sostenible]


Inga Sotelo Miguel Angel,De Paz Lazaro Ana Cecilia,Cherrepano Manrique Reynaldo Francisco,Morales Pacora Víctor Henrry,Morales Alberto Manuel Nicolás,Taipe Cancho Mario Humberto,Leiva Gonzales Jorge Wilson,Brito Mallqui César Heraclides,Rosales Depaz Yocet Yojan,Ccaira Mamani Cirilo Mario


The rise in food, decrease in jobs have affected economic progress. For this reason, research was carried out on the use of market waste for the benefit of the community. The objective was to determine the quantification and chemical characterization for the benefit of the community. It is based on descriptive methodology; Since the waste generated in the Miracle of Barranca market was characterized and classified, and a survey was prepared, what is your proposal on the use of compost based on market waste? Once the data was obtained, they were processed using basic statistics. It was determined that per day it produces organic waste with 65.00%, inorganic with 28.67% and others with 6.33%, and per month organic with 68.13%, inorganic with 26.63% and others with 5.24% of the total of 10,341 tons/month of August and chemical composition. of the compost has adequate concentration of organic matter, low nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and high pH 8.54. In the proposal for the use of compost, 40% stands out for agricultural use. It is concluded that through the catheterization of the waste, 65% organic is produced and when making the compost it has a concentration of nutrients that are favorable to improve the properties of the soil and strengthen the plant. Therefore, the use of compost is a sustainable alternative for agriculture.


Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion para el Desarrollo Regional (CINCADER)


General Medicine

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