Nunja García José Vicente,Morales Alberto Manuel Nicolás,Saucedo López María Cleofé,Sánchez Pérez María del Carmen,Morales Pacora Víctor Henrry,Salvatierra Rosales José Reynaldo,Inga Sotelo Miguel Angel,Rosales Depaz Yocet Yojan,Brito Mallqui César Heraclides,Rosales Beas Alex
Technological innovation in the use of platforms during the pandemic is vital in learning. Therefore, teaching and learning through platforms during the pandemic was investigated. The objective was to know the efficiency of teaching through the use of platforms in the learning of university students. The research is based on the descriptive method with a cross-sectional approach, for which it was questioned what platforms do they use for teaching and learning? Do they understand the topics covered during the classes? And what proposals do you propose to improve teaching through the use of platforms? Once the data for each month was obtained, they were processed using basic statistics. The results determined that in the use of platforms used for teaching, Google Meet stood out with 90%, they understood the teachings through the use of platforms with 90% in June and constant communication as a proposal to improve teaching with 55% in May and June. It is concluded that there was efficiency in the teachings through the use of platforms such as Google Meet and constant communication improves the learning of the university student.
Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion para el Desarrollo Regional (CINCADER)
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