Care quality management and its relationship with work performance in the critical care unit and COVID ICU at the Santa Rosa Hospital - Lima (MINSA) - 2021 [Gestión de calidad de atención y su relación con el desempeño laboral en la unidad de cuidados críticos y UCI COVID del Hospital Santa Rosa- Lima (MINSA)- 2021]


Goicochea Tipismana Magali Karina


The objective of the research is to determine the correlation of care quality management with work performance in the critical care unit and COVID ICU (and its dimensions: productivity, commitment, leadership and harmony in interpersonal relationships) of the Hospital Santa Rosa de Lima (MINSA)- 2021. The methodology had a quantitative approach at a correlational and descriptive level, non-experimental design and cross-sectional. The population was made up of 80 workers who fulfill their job duties in the critical care unit and COVID ICU (finite). The study sample was 73 health professionals (census). The technique that was applied was the survey. The instrument consisted of 34 items, which was submitted to 5 expert judges, and was rated as applicable by all. The reliability results were 0.915 Cronbach's alpha in the “care quality management” variable and 0.829 in the “job performance” variable. It was concluded that there is a moderate positive correlation of 0.503 between the variables “care quality management” and “work performance” in the critical care unit and COVID ICU of the Santa Rosa de Lima Hospital (MINSA)-2021 (p=0.000).


Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion para el Desarrollo Regional (CINCADER)

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