Multivariable predictive models for the estimation of power consumption (kW) of a Semi-autogenous mill applying Machine Learning algorithms [Modelos predictivos multivariables para la estimación de consumo de potencia (kW) de un molino Semi - autógeno aplicando algoritmos de Machine Learning]


Vera Ruiz Miguel Angel,Vega Gonzales Juan Antonio,Bailon Villalba Franklin Jhoan


This research aimed to develop machine learning (ML) models to estimate power consumption (Kw) in a Semi-autogenous mill in the mining industry. Using Machine Learning algorithms considering various operating variables for the different models such as Multiple Linear Regression (RLM), Decision Tree Regression (RAD), Random Forest Regression (RBA) and Regression Artificial Neural Networks (ANN). The methodology adopted was applied, with an experimental design with a descriptive and transversal approach. The results of the application of these models revealed significant differences in terms of predictive efficiency. The RLM and RRNA stood out with coefficients of determination (R²) of 0.922 and 0.939, respectively, indicating a substantial capacity to explain the variability in power consumption. In contrast, the tree-based models (RAD and RBA) showed inferior performance, with R² of 0.762 and 0.471. When analyzing key metrics such as Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Root Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), it was confirmed that both RLM and RRNA outperformed the tree-based models. These results support the choice of RLM and RRNA as preferred models for estimating power consumption in a Semi-autogenous mill.


Centro de Investigacion y Capacitacion para el Desarrollo Regional (CINCADER)

Reference23 articles.







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