1. STIKES Bhakti Husada Mulia, Indonesia
Introduction: Moringa leaf extract and papaya seed extract contain flavonoids that can lower blood sugar levels.
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the antidiabetic effectiveness of moringa leaf extract and papaya seed extract and the effective dose of moringa leaf extract and papaya seed extract in reducing blood sugar levels.
Methods: This study used 24 diabetic rats. Diabetes was induced by giving rats glucose 10% for four days. Measurement of blood sugar levels was carried out on the 0th, 5th, 8th, and 15th days. The pre-test (T1) and post-test (T2 and T3) blood sugar levels were measured, as well as the percentage of reduction at T2 and T3. Results: The result was that the treatment group with an extract combination of 700:500 showed decreased blood sugar levels on day 15 (57.24%), indicating antidiabetic effectiveness of the extract combination.
International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP)
Pharmaceutical Science,Pharmacy,Education
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