1. The North American breeding bird survey, results and analysis 1966-2015, Sauer, JR and Niven, D and Hines, J and Ziolkowski Jr, David and Pardieck, KL and Fallon, JE and Link, William, 2017
2. The first 50 years of the North American Breeding Bird Survey
3. North American breeding bird survey dataset 1966–2017, version 2017.0, Pardieck, KL and Ziolkowski Jr, DJ and Lutmerding, M and Hudson, MAR, US Geological Survey, Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland, USA. [online] URL: https://www.pwrc.usgs.gov/BBS/RawData, 2018
4. O’Hara, Bob, rBBS: R package to import USGS’ BBS data, https://www.github.com/oharar/rbbs
5. Edwards, Brandon, bbsBayes: An R Package for Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of North American Breeding Bird Survey Data, https://www.github.com/brandonedwards/bbsbayes