1. The Mathematical Theory of Non-uniform Gases. An account of the kinetic theory of viscosity, thermal conduction, and diffusion in gases. By Sydney Chapman and T. G. Cowling. 2nd Edn., pp. ix, 431. 60s. 1952. (Cambridge University Press)
2. An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
3. dugksFoam: An open source OpenFOAM solver for the Boltzmann model equation
4. Julia: A Fresh Approach to Numerical Computing
5. OpenFOAM: A C++ library for complex physics simulations, Jasak, Hrvoje and Jemcov, Aleksandar and Tukovic, Zeljko and others, International workshop on coupled methods in numerical dynamics, 1000, 1–20, 2007, IUC Dubrovnik Croatia