The first experience of studying the folded structure of coal seams by seismic exploration in the Gorlovsky anthracite basin


Kanareykin B. A.1,Salnikov A. S.1,Napreev D. V.2,Mosyagin E. V.1,Goshko E. Yu.1


1. JSC Siberian Research Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources

2. Scientific Production Enterprise of Geophysical Equipment “Looch”


The results of experimental and methodological seismic and electrical exploration of near-field time-domain electromagnetic sounding (NFTDES) along the profile crossing the productive formation of сoal seams in the Gorlovsky anthracite basin (Doroginskoye deposit, Shadrinsky block) are presented. The possibility of studying coal-bearing series at depths up to 300-350 m is noted. The obtained CDP time cross sections indicate the possibility of displaying some elements of the structure of thick anthracite seams in the wave field, that allowing for reconstruction of their folded features. Using the first arrivals of longitudinal waves (at distances up to 800 m), seismic tomography allows scientists to reconstruct in detail the velocity structure of the near-surface part of the section to depths of 120-150 m and to identify low-velocity local objects corresponding to the upper edges of the thickest coal members in the weathering crust and in the upper part of Permian deposits. The resolution of velocity profile decreases at a given length of the traveltime graph with a further increase in depth to 300 m.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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