1. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS
2. Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS
Seismic modelling is the most computationally intense and time consuming part of seismic processing and imaging algorithms. Indeed, generation of a typical seismic data-set requires approximately 10 core-hours of a standard CPU-based clusters. Such a high demand in the resources is due to the use of fine spatial discretizations to achieve a low level of numerical dispersion (numerical error). This paper presents an original approach to seismic modelling where the wavefields for all sources (right-hand sides) are simulated inaccurately using coarse meshes. A small number of the wavefields are generated with computationally intense fine-meshes and then used as a training dataset for the Deep Learning algorithm - Numerical Dispersion Mitigation network (NDM-net). Being trained, the NDM-net is applied to suppress the numerical dispersion of the entire seismic dataset.
Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies