Selecting ratios of chemical agents for flotation mixtures


Semyanova D. V.1


1. Chinakal Institute of Mining, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences


Improvement of a reagent mode is one of the common affordable methods of stimulating flotation efficiency. The present scientific knowledge proves the promising nature of combining chemical agents. The combinations of flotation agents are advantageous for the increased recovery, higher separation quality, reduced consumption of reagents, etc. In this regard, it is of the current concern to elaborate the methods to select reagents and to determine their ratios for composing efficient combinations. This paper, using the earlier proposed physisorption mechanism which explains correlation of flotation activity and surface tension, suggests combining chemical agents with regard to an interaction parameter. This can make it possible to mixture components at such ratio that ensures the synergistic effect at the gas-liquid interface.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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