Upgrading of a Technique for Visual Comparing for the Results of Azimuthal Magnetotelluric Monitoring with the Seismic Events Parameters


Nepeina K. S.1,Matiukov V. E.1


1. Research Station RAS


The paper presents a practical implementation of the task of visualizing additional geophysical information for analyzing the results of azimuthal magnetotelluric (MT) monitoring. Since some patterns of a sharp change in the sign of relative apparent resistivity variations (Δρ) for MT monitoring points depending on ongoing seismic events, as well as lunar-solar tides, were found in previous studies, it became necessary to give illustrative examples proving such cases. For this, we propose to improve the technique for constructing additional graphs containing such parameters of seismic events as: source depth, distance between the source and the observation point, azimuth and energy class, in accordance with the observation time. All parameters are obtained from published seismic catalogs. A method for displaying pseudosections Δρ, combined with a hypocenter distribution plot, in Surfer program is shown. An example of a graph containing simultaneously information about the distance and azimuth of the event relative to the monitoring point, in the form of rotated arrows, is given. Such graphical constructions are maximally automated, and allow the interpreter to confirm the arguments in favor of the spatial-temporal dependence of the variations of electromagnetic parameters on the events occurring in the observed earth's interior.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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