Updated spatial data of detailed topographic monitoring is the basis for the rapid updating of state digital topographic maps: methods and technologies


Brovko E. A.1


1. JSC Roskartografiya; Moscow University of Geodesy and Cartography


A modern solution to the problem of modernization of the state system of cartographic provision of the Russian Federation with up-to-date spatial data is the creation of a system of state topographic monitoring (GTM system). The purpose of the study is to develop theoretical aspects, methods and technological techniques: conducting detailed topographic monitoring (DTM); forming a digital topographic map on duty (original changes), a database of changes in terrain objects; integrating DTM data into the process of updating state topographic maps. The results of the study are scientifically substantiated, can be regulated and practically tested. The integration of the proposed scientific, methodological and technical solutions in the process of updating the state digital topographic maps (CTM) will ensure: maintaining the cartographic fund on the territory of the country and on the border areas at the level of modernity; the efficiency of updating the state CTK.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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