Creation of a database of geospatial data of territories affected by oil and gas facilities


Kulik E. N.1,Bayshuakov A. T.1,Baykin D. A.1


1. Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


The article discusses the geospatial database formation and its integration into a geoinformation expert system for use in a comprehensive assessment of the environmental risk of territories. Geoinformation mapping methods are used to create thematic layers of oil & gas complex objects. The structure of the database has been developed and has been completed: thematic layers of pipelines, oil & gas complex facilities, administrative boundaries of the Russian Federation entities (federal, regional, municipal levels), infrastructure elements (road and railway networks), geographic objects (hydrography, relief and landscape-geochemical areas) have been formed. To implement the methodology for assessing environmental risk, taking into account landscape features, the need to use special data is justified. This concerns the formation of the structure of the geospatial database of special territories that are affected by the oil & gas objects.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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