Application of modified fuel in internal combustion engines to reduce pollutants in exhaust gases


Panov D. V.1,Zaitsev V. P.2,Roslyakova O. V.1,Kudryashov A. Y.1


1. Siberian State University of Water Transport

2. Siberian State University of Water Transport; Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


This work presents the results of the study of the effect of water in the dissolved state in diesel fuel, as well as in the form of a water-fuel emulsion. The question of the expediency of using modified diesel fuel is being considered. Experimental data show that a decrease in the intensity of nitrogen oxides formation occurs due to the transfer of diesel fuel from fuel oil to a water-fuel emulsion. The use of an emulsion has the effect of reducing the volume of active zones of nitrogen oxide formation, and also reduces the maximum local gas temperatures. As a result of the conducted studies of water-fuel systems on the 1H 15/18 engine, in which water molecules were in a dissolved state in the form of true solutions. To improve the solubility of water, modifiers of various nature (high-molecular alcohol and quaternary ammonium base salt) were introduced into diesel fuel. During the research, it was found that the presence of dissolved water in the upgraded fuel leads to a decrease in the amount of toxic pollutants CO and NOx in the exhaust gases.


Siberian State University of Geosystems and Technologies


Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

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