This study aims to make the most appropriate decision at the procurement decision stage by comparing
the technical features of UAV systems currently used and those to be used in the military field. For this
purpose, the technical data of UAV systems, which are suitable for military use, produced by three domestic
and five foreign companies, and are in the production phase, were collected. These collected data were
analysed under the following headings: [At First, three criteria (Airtime, Maximum Altitude, and Payload
Capacity) and TOPSIS and Fuzzy TOPSIS analysis are implemented. Then two more criteria (Cruise Speed
and Maximum Speed) were added to these three criteria. Only TOPSIS analysis was performed.] separated
and sorted by TOPSIS and the Fuzzy TOPSIS Method. In line with the findings, the Yabhon United 40 and
Predator C Avenger models took first place in the TOPSIS three and five criteria rankings, respectively. It
was determined that the Heron TP model took first place in the ranking with fuzzy TOPSIS.
M.U. Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Dergisi
General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science
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