A Green Economy Model for India: Technical Summary of Methods and Data Used


Golechha Arpan,Raman Anisha,Srivastava Aman,Bassi Andrea,Pallaske Georg


The green economy model for India is a system dynamics model that has been customized to the national context in the structure of the model and input data. It also takes into account the key priorities for the country, incorporating primary and allied sectors affecting climate change at the national level. The model has been developed jointly by World Resources Institute India and KnowlEdge Srl (Switzerland); it is based on a Green Economy Model (GEM) published by Andrea M. Bassi (Bassi 2015). The GEM has also been used in other countries to explore low-carbon development pathways; the model is customized to the context in which it is applied. The model is intended to provide tools for making informed policy decisions that would take India to a low-carbon development pathway. This technical note focuses on the structure of the model, the motivation behind developing it, and the data and assumptions accompanying it.


World Resources Institute

Reference32 articles.

1. Bassi, Andrea M. 2015. "Moving Towards Integrated Policy Formulation and Evaluation: The Green Economy Model." Environment and Climate Technologies 5-19.

2. Cambridge Econometrics. 2017. E3 India. https://www.camecon.com/how/ e3-india-model/.

3. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy. 2020. Economic Outlook India. Accessed June 2021. https://www.cmie.com/kommon/bin/sr.php?kall=wa rticle&dt=2020-08-18%2011:02:19&msec=596.

4. Climate Analytics and New Climate Institute. 2021. Climate Action Tracker. Accessed September 9, 2021. https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/ india/.

5. ClimateWatch. 2020. Historical GHG Emissions. https://www. climatewatchdata.org/ghg-emissions?regions=IND.

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