1. Baeyens G (1979) Description of the social behaviour of the Magpie (Pica pica). Ardea 67: 28-41.
2. Baeyens G (1981a) Magpie breeding success and Carrion Crow interference. Ardea 69: 125-139.
3. Baeyens G (1981b) Functional aspects of serial monogamy: the Magpie pair-bond in relation to its territorial system. Ardea 69: 145-166.
4. Bent AC (1964) Life Histories of North American Jays, Crows and Titmice. Part I. Jay, Magpie, Raven. Dover, New York.
5. Birkhead TR (1979) Mate guarding in the magpie. Anim Behav 27: 866-874.