1492 BCE: A New World of Pre-Columbian Painting


Morales Jr. Reinaldo


This essay offers an updated chronological sequence and stylistic analysis of one of the oldest dated Pre-Columbian rock art styles in the ancient Americas, the Nordeste Style centered in northeastern Brazil. Since its first publication in the 1990s, the Nordeste Style and its various sub-styles have been dated c. 8500 bce – 200 ce, but more recent and updated dating technology provides a revised chronology of the style, and a reconsideration of the relationship of the style to the broader Pre-Columbian world. The original scholarship from the 1990s championed the formal distinction and regionally limited boundaries of the style, but a more critical analysis of the formal characteristics of the style, in conjunction with the revised chronological sequence, suggest that the original Nordeste artists may in fact have participated in a hemisphere-wide artistic network, ranging as far north as the American Southwest.


University of Houston Libraries

Reference96 articles.

1. Allen, Mary 2004 "Comments." American Indian Rock Art 30:86.

2. Alvarenga, Leonete, and Maria de Fatima da Luz 1991 "Interpretação estilística de painéis do sítio Toca do Baixão do Perna I e sua aplicação na cronologia das tradições rupestres." Annais do Iº simpósio de pré-história do Nordeste Brasileiro, CLIO - Serie Arqueológia 4:137-140.

3. Bahn, Paul 1998 The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

4. Behling, Hermann 1995 "A High Resolution Holocene pollen record from Lago do Pires, SE Brazil: vegetation, climate and fire history." Journal of Paleolimnology 14: 253-68.

5. Boyd, Carolyn E. 2013 Rock Art of the Lower Pecos. Texas A&M University Anthropology Series, Volume 8. College Station: Texas A&M University Press.








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