Comparative Method of Weighted Product and TOPSIS to Determine The Beneficiary of Family Hope Program


Suhartono Didit,Sari Tika


The Family Hope Program (PKH) is a government program that provides cash assistance to impoverished households. The implementation of PKH in Cimrutu Village has not been implemented optimally, namely prioritizing the targets of PKH participants who are not yet on targets. This happened because the officers in registering the poor were still using manual methods. To simplify the work and avoid miscalculation of data with the old system, a decision support system was built that could help make decisions on PKH recipients quickly and more accurately. The calculation method used is the Weighted Product (WP) method. Data collection methods used in this study were interviews and documentation. System development in this study uses waterfall through black-box testing. System design tools in the form of DFD and ERD. The software used in making this application is Visual Studio 2012, Xampp, and Crystal Reports. The programming language used is Java with its supporting database using MySQL. This decision support system is expected to be able to help officers in Cimrutu Village in selecting and determining communities that are eligible for PKH.


Bright Publisher


General Medicine

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